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牛津译林版英语9A Unit4 Growing up知识归纳与拓展
上传者:   加入日期:16-10-10

牛津译林版英语9A Unit4 Growing up知识归纳与拓展
1.on your mind挂在你心上
2.a great deal of information大量信息
3.through the Internet通过网络
4.much smaller than the other kids  比其他孩子小很多
5.try out for the school team参加校队的选拔
6.succeed in getting a scholarship  成功获得奖学金
7.take notice of him注意到他
8.graduate from high school从高中毕业
9.lose their lives during the war  在战争中失去他们的生命
10.be forced to move to another country  被迫移居到另外一个国家
11.have her diary published(请人)出版她的日记
12.admire them for their courage  因为他们的勇气佩服他们
13.survive the war在战争中存活下来
14.come across new words遇到生词
15.in his fifties在他五十几岁时
16.have some money left有些剩余的钱

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语9A Unit4 Growing up知识归纳与拓展
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版本年级: 牛津9AUnit4
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