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2016年秋人教版九年级英语《Unit 1 How can we become good learners》单元练习含答案
16. Is the population i                 very quickly in India?
17. Let me tell you a saying: K                 is power(力量).
18. The students r                 the story many times until they can tell the story naturally.
19. It is said that the special dinosaur was d                 in Sichun.
20. The students are reading poems a                .
21. Our English teacher's p                 is good, so we can understand her well.
22. The e                 on her face shows she is happy.
23. I wish to c                 a wonderful cartoon character for the children.
24. He often takes an a                 part in the sports meeting and he can get very good results each time.
25. The car runs at a s                 of 110 kilometres an hour.
26. The population continues to                 (增加;增长).
27. I think                 (知识) is more important than money.
28. My parrot is clever enough to learn to                 (重复) the words I say.
29. Who                 (发现) America?
30. Our English teacher's                 (发音) is very clear and standard(标准).
31.                 (物理) is his favourite subject.
32. Reading                 (出声) is a good way of learning English.
33. She is                 (耐心的) with everyone. Whenever you ask her questions, she would like to reply.
34. Audrey Hepburn was                  (活跃的) in the film industry for nearly 40 years.
35. Tom has the                 (能力) to do the work.
36. 父母应该多关注孩子。
Parents should                  more                                   their children.
37. If you want to call him now, his telephone number can be                 (查找) in my notebook.
38. You can improve your listening skills                 (通过听磁带).
39. 当孩子们长大时,他们必须学会独自生存。
When the children grow up, they have to                                                                                                      .
40. 我认为学习英语的最好方式是运用它。
I think the best way to learn English is                                                   .

资料名称: 2016年秋新目标九年级英语Unit1单元练习含答案
文件大小: 90K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit1
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