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牛津译林版英语9A Unit1-2单元测试含听力mp3
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牛津译林版英语9A Unit1-2单元测试含听力mp3
1. W: Jack, what is your animal sign? 
M: My brother’s animal sign is Goat. My brother is one year older than me, so my animal sign must be Monkey
 2. M: Did you enjoy your holiday, Emma?
   W: Yes, but it was wet most of the time.
   M: Really? Isn't it always hot in Canada?
   W: Mm, not when I was there.
3.  W: Do you work in a TV station, John?
   M: No, I’m a policeman, but my parents would like me to be a cook.
4.  W: I’m going to England for my holiday next week.
M: Have a good time!
5. W: Could you help me pull the car?
M: No problem.
6. M: Kate, your dress is very nice.
  W: Thank you, Dick. It's my birthday present from my aunt.
7.W: Where will you plan to travel this time?
 M: I will travel to Tibet. And the journey will take thirty days.
8.W: Watch out! There are too many cars on the street.
 M: Relax. I’m an experienced driver
9.W: We’re late! The concert has been on for 25 minutes.
  M: Really? Oh, it’s 7∶55 now.
10. M: Everybody is here except John. Shall we start the meeting?
   W: If we wait for John. We might be here all night.
W: I’m going to climb the mountain, but I’m a little afraid.
M: Why are you afraid?
W: I’m afraid I can’t walk up to the top. And I don’t know what I should do now.
M: Take it easy. I think you can take more exercise. Keeping healthy is necessary.
W: That’s right. Anything else?
M: Oh, you can go with some of your good friends. Maybe they can give you some help.
W: Yeah, thank you.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语9A Unit1-2单元测试含听力mp3
文件大小: 12502K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9A月考试卷
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