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9.You never know how much difficulty we had ____________(work) out the problem. Luckily, we managed to solve it with Mrs Wu’s help.
10.This book is very popular because of some powerful _____________(speak) we love.
11. —Are you going to have a party to celebrate your birthday?
—Sorry, I __________ (not decide).  
12.No attention ______________(pay)to his new book at the book show last week.
13. The sun gives us ________ (warm) and makes us feel comfortable.
14. You should be friendly towards your classmates at school. If you have any close friends, you can share your joys and ________ (sad) with them. 
15. Green colour can make you feel ___________(energy).
Life is like a race. You either ____________________ or ____________________ .
17. 据说,出生在同一属相下的人可能有相似的个性。
______________ that people born under the same __________  may have similar personalities  .
18. 蓝色能带给我们的身心带来宁静。
Blue _______________________________________ mind and body .
19. 王先生已经把他的一生奉献给了数学教学。
Mr Wang has _____________ all his life _________________ maths.
20. 穿红色能你更容易采取行动。

资料名称: 徐州2016-2017年度九年级上英语第一次月考试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 7413K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9A月考试卷
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