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冀教版英语九年级全册Unit5 Look into Science单元练习含听力mp3
56. There is a mistake in the notebook; you should c                 it.
57. I think we should try using a different m                 again.
58. The boss promised to d                 our pay next month, so we can make more money.
59. The best part of the trip was the scenery. It was f                .
60. The d                 of Columbus was quite an event in the world.
61. Hey! Relax! No one will                 (强迫) you to do that if you're not willing to.
62. There will be three football                 (比赛) this month in our school.
63. Smoking will                 (当然) do harm to your health.
64. Arthur is a loving grandfather. He spends all his free time with his                 (孙子).
65. With the                 (发展) of his business, he is much busier than before.
66.                                   (一般而言), American families often give a party at home.
67. 在日本当你去拜访朋友时,进门之前要脱掉鞋子。(词数不限)
When you visit a friend in Japan, you should                  your shoes before entering his home.
68. 今日事,今日毕。(词数不限)
Don't let yesterday                  too much of today.
69. He sleeps                                                   (白天期间), but                                  (在晚上) he gets up and eats leaves.
70. 除了一些双胞胎,每种生物都有自己独特的DNA.
                                  some twins, every living thing has its own unique DNA.
71. 孩子们的疾病和不健康的食物有关。
The children's illness                                                    unhealthy food.
72. 太空中有数十亿的行星。
There are                  planets in space.
73. 昨天买的新车被偷了。
The car                                                    yesterday was stolen.
74. 不要扔掉可回收利用的废物。
Don't throw away the waste                  can                  recycled.
75. 如果我是你的话,我就找个看起来很和蔼的人交流。(字数不限)
If I were you, I'd like to talk to                 .
76. The                 (discover) of this new fuel makes the scientists very excited.
77. Good habits are good for the                 (develop) of us teenagers.
78. Could you please give me some                 (suggest) on how to solve the problem?
79. Ann had some                 (science) methods to teach students.
80. My parents give me a lot of                 (press).

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