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上传者:   加入日期:16-10-23

1. His        () task is to help me with my English.
2.My father gave his        () life to teaching.
3.Rush hour is the time of a day when the        () is very heavy.
4.        () is a beautiful country with a large number of sheep.
5.What was the score at        ()?
6.John fell off the bike yesterday.        (luck), he didn’t hurt badly.
7.The book is        (use) to you. Please throw it away.
8.The world        (it) I becoming smaller and smaller because of the Internet.
9.Can you tell me the        (mean) of these words?
10.What about        (cheer) for our school football team this afternoon?
11.We enjoyed        (us) playing basketball.
12.Robert did very        (bad) in the English exam.
13. Playing computer games is one of his        (interest).
14.The scientists told us some        (amaze) things of UFOs.
15.Are you in interested in        (plan) your summer holidays, boys?

资料名称: 江苏省东台市牛津版八年级上英语第三单元试卷含答案
文件大小: 60K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit3
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