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1. To improve your spoken English, you should pay attention to ________(发音) the words correctly.
2. China has ______(成功地) sent up Tiangong-2 into space on the night of Mid-autumn Day.
3. The high-speed railways_______(连接) different cities have made it easier for people to travel.
4. The__­­­­­­_____(开拓者) achievements have won high praise from people all over the world.
5.When we chat on the Internet, we should be careful with our __________ (私人的) information.
6. Billy wouldn’t accept others’ advice or think _________(two).
7. The born artist’s works __________(they)are great fun.
8. It’s the noise of the traffic that __________(drive) us mad every day.
9. Click the mouse, and a great deal of information________(appear)on the screen.
10. Managing my time better makes me feel a lot_________(organize).
11. Millie is too shy to make ___________(speak) in front of the whole school.
12. They________(agree) with each other, so they argued for a long time.
13.What do you think we can do to celebrate ____________(eighty) anniversary(周年) of the victory of the Long March?
14. The problem we worried about ______________ (deal) with well the other day.
15. I feel unhappy because my best friend _____________(not reply) to my email.

资料名称: 泰兴市实验中学2017届九年级上10月阶段英语试卷含答案
文件大小: 316K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9A月考试卷
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