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人教版2016年秋季七年级英语上《Unit1 My name's Gina》同步练习含答案
16. I study(学习) in a m                 school.
17. Four and four is e                .
18. Her name is Kate Green. Kate is her f                 name.
19. Our school t                 number is 8787399.
20. Three and four is s                .
21. I am Daming, and Lingling is my f                .
22. What's her l                 name?
23. Hi, Cindy. Nice to m                 you.
24. He is thirteen. He is a m                 school student.
25. Six and two is e                .
26. This is our f                 lesson. So I don't know all your names.
27. What's your t                 number? It's 555-0192.
28. There are s                 days in a week.
29. Do you know the saying a f                 in need is a friend indeed?
30. My name is Guo Hui. Guo is my l                 name.
31. Four and five is                 (九).
32. Gina is my good                 (朋友).
33. This is my friend.                 (她) is English.
34. Lily and Cindy are in the same                 (学校).
35. In the                 (中心) of the park, there is a palyground.
36. Seven and two is                 (九).
37. Xu Lili is a good girl and she's my                 (朋友).
38.                 (她) is a girl.
39. My                 (书签) must be lost in our                 (校园).
40. She sits in the                  (中间的) of the classroom.
41. I have                 (九) books.
42. I have two new                 (朋友). They're Sammi and Pat.
43.                 (她) is a teacher.
44. I go to                 (学校) at 7 in the morning and go                 (家) at 4 in the afternoon.
45. Last year he left the                 (中等) school and came to the city.

资料名称: 人教版2016年秋季七年级英语上Unit1同步练习含答案
文件大小: 266K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标七年级上Unit1
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