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人教版2016年秋季七年级英语上册《Unit3 Is this your pencil》同步练习含答案
16. Jim, put your e                 in your pencil box, please.
17. This is my t                , Ms. Liu.
18. He often h                 me with my English.
19. Many people use c                 to send emails.
20. His friend went to the l                 to read books last weekend.
21. The students have classes in the c                .
22. --- Mike, my book is lost(丢失). Please help me f                 it .
--- OK.
23. Thank you. You're w                .
24. Is that her e                ?
25. Miss Qin is a good t                . She teaches(教) English well.
26. I can't do it by myself. Can you h                 me?
27. --- I like playing c                 games. What about you?
--- Me, too.
28. In our school, students often read books in the school l                .
29. At school, we have to clean the c                .
30. Have you seen my pen? I can't f                 it.
31. I want to buy a                 (字典) for my son.
32. My father will buy me a new                 (电脑) on my birthday.
33. Jiangyin has many                 (图书馆). Many people like to borrow books from them.
34. Every day the little boy                 (询问) his parents many questions.
35. What colour is your                 (橡皮擦)?
36. Is this your                 (棒球)?
37. There are all kinds of                 (手表) in that museum.
38. We often play                 (游戏) in the park.
39. The d                (字典) is very useful.
40. There are two new                 (电脑) in the teachers' office.
41. My uncle likes to go to different kinds of                 (图书馆) all over the world.
42. May I                 (问) you a question?
43. There is an                 (橡皮) and some pens on Tom's desk.
44. Is the                 (棒球) on the sofa?
45. Is this your                 (手表)?

资料名称: 人教版2016年秋季七年级英语上Unit3同步练习含答案
文件大小: 135K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标七年级上Unit3
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