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江苏省句容市边城中学2016-2017年度九年级上英语期中模拟试卷(范围到九上Unit 5) (4份)
A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。
86. He became a great ____________(音乐家) after many years of hard work.
87. The writer often drinks coffee to keep himself ____________ (醒着的) so that he can work late into the night.
88. Everyone can achieve their dreams ____________(以,凭借)hard work.
89. It is ____________(常见的)sense to dress more warmly when it gets cold.
90. At last he_____________(成功)in solving the problem.
91. The clothes are the ____________ (win). Please put them away.
92. His mother is so poor that she can't afford____________(buy) a new computer.
93. My grandfather still stays healthy in his           (nine).
94. They often meet and share their            (think), feelings and experiences.
95. There are two ____________(dictionary) on that shelf.
96. ___________ (careless) will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients.
97. You should talk to your teacher when ____________ (feel) sad.
98. To break the ____________ (silent), the teacher told a joke and the students all laughed right away.
99. The boy has made little progress            (simple) because he is crazy about computer games.
100. He is not afraid of making a            _(speak) in front of many people.

资料名称: 2016-2017年九年级上英语期中模拟试卷(范围到九上Unit5)
文件大小: 11115K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9A期中复习
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