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仁爱版九年级英语上册Unit3 Topic 3随堂练含答案(4份)
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仁爱版九年级英语上册《Unit 3 Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English》随堂练含答案(4份)
. 据首字母提示补全单词
1. I didn’t sleep well last night, so I feel s        now.
2. If you are a girl, your grandparents will call you g       .
3. In the past 10 years, he was always keeping a d        in English to improve his writing ability.
4.  Please make up a similar d        and then practice with your partner.
5. I’m sorry to have p        your name wrong.
二. 单项选择
(   ) 1. When you are speaking to somebody, you must try to make yourself         .
A. understood           B. understand
C. understanding         D. to understand
(   ) 2. Bob didn’t sleep well last night, and now he feels          and       tired.
     A. happy               B. hungry
C. sleepy               D. thirsty
(   ) 3. The old fisherman felt like          a big boat very much.
A. to get                B. to reach
C. getting               D. reaching
(   ) 4. Mr. Wang didn’t tell me the time he arrived, so I don’t know          to meet him.
A. where               B. when
C. why                D. who
(   ) 5. I can’t do well in          English words. I must learn how to         .
A. spelling; keep a diary   B. spell; learn grammar
C. spelt; listen to the tape  D. spelling; remember the words

资料名称: 仁爱版九年级英语上册Unit3 Topic 3随堂练含答案(4份)
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