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2016-2017学年冀教版英语九年级上Unit6 Movies and Theater单元练习含答案
58. His mother was pretty m                , because he didn't go to school.
59. He speaks French. Is he from F                ?
60. Jackie Chan is a great a                 movie star.
61. I think small restaurant can s                 many people, too.
62. Many young people like watching the TV play My Love From The Star. They think the actor, Kim Soo Hyun is very h                .
63. Zhang Yimou is one of the greatest                 (导演) in the world.
64. Volunteers from different                 (背景) feel like part of one big family.
65. My mother set me the                 (任务) of washing the dishes.
66. The city is on the western                 (海岸) of the country.
67. Zhao Wei is a famous                 (演员) in China.
68. 倒果汁前,先把瓶子摇几下。
Give the bottle                                                    shakes before pouring the juice.
69. 成千上万的人可能会参与到电影制作中。
                                  people can be                                   making movies.
70. 众所周知, 教师的良好品行会对他们的学生产生良好效应。(词数不限)
As we all know, teachers' good behaviour can                  their students.
71. --- 电影放映多久了?
--- 10分钟了。
---                                   has the film                                  ?
--- For ten minutes.
72. 因为昨天下雨,简不得不待在家中,没法离开。
Because it rained yesterday, Jane                                   stay at home and couldn't                                  .
73.                 (act) speak louder than words.
74. You need to water the flowers once a day to keep them                 (grow).
75. We don't allow people                 (bring) dogs into the restaurant.
76. It's said that the old building                 (build) over one hundred years ago.
77. The magazines                 (must return) to the library in two weeks.

资料名称: 2016-2017学年冀教版英语九年级上Unit6单元练习含答案
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版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit6
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