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61. I can't find a p                 pen to write with.
62. We can eat meals in the d                 hall in our school.
63. I'm sorry to t                 you, but can you tell me the way to the hospital?
64. You must believe in yourself. That's the s                 of success.
65. What is the s                 to your trouble?
66. If teenagers have more                 (交流) with their parents, they will understand each other better.
67. The guide told me to take care of my                 (护照) during traveling abroad.
68. I'm afraid we have to                 ( 取消) the meeting.
69. If you have any                 (困难) working out the problem, please ask the teacher.
70. He was                 (缺席) from school yesterday.
71. 如果你许下你的诺言,你就应该信守你的承诺。
If you                                                   , you should                                                   .
72. 你和你的家人相处得怎样?(get) (词数不限)
How are you                  your family?
73. 爸爸妈妈对你的成绩很满意吗?
                 your parents                                   your mark?
74. 他们那天都没有上班。
They were all                                   work that day.
75. 汤姆撞到了一棵大树。(词数不限)
Tom                  a big tree.
76. He's crazy. He wastes so much valuable time                 (chat) on-line.
77. I am new in such a big city, so I have difficulty                 (find) the way to my daughter's home.
78. Do you often                 (communication) with your parents?
79. If you want to learn some communication skills, first you have to be a good                 (listen).
80. He always makes all of us                 (anger).

资料名称: 2016-2017学年冀教版英语九年级Unit9单元练习含答案
文件大小: 164K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit9
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