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牛津译林版英语九年级上Unit8 Task教学设计
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牛津译林版英语九年级上Unit8 Task教学设计
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Read and match Part A
1. He planned to take it to the police station.,
 2. He was charged with robbery.
 3.Someone saw the robbers running into his building.
 4. A man is picking up a necklace
(keys: 4132)
Keys: c b a d
Step 2 Pair work
Answer the questions.
1. What did Bruce find one day?
2. What did he plan to do with it?
3. Did a witness see Bruce running into the building?
4. Was Bruce charged with murder?
Step 3 Complete the article   Part B
1. Complete the article according to the information.
Millie has written the first part of the story, but she missed out a few words.
Help her complete the sentences. Try to finish in five minutes. Then, I will check the answers with you.
2. Check the answers.
gold necklace    door     police station     policeman     theft
witness   Bruce’s building
3. Read together.
4. Look at the pictures and complete the part C.
You also want to enter a writing competition at school. You have drawn some pictures. Now write your own detective story using the pictures, or write an ending to Millie’s story.
5. Answer the questions according to the pictures.
1) Who do you think was murdered, a man or a woman?
2) What were the young couple doing?
3) How was he killed?
4) What will the policeman do?
5) Who do you think is guilty?
Step 4:Group work
Discuss and talk about the ending of the story.
 Step 4 Explanation
1. Bruce got along with all of his neightbours except the man who lived next door.    
get along / on (with someboby)   (与某人)和睦相处,关系良好
e.g. He has never really got on with his flatmates.
2. No one knows what he does for a living.     
  do…for a living “做…为生”。  make a living“谋生”。
e.g. His uncle used to repair clocks for a living.
3. You’re under arrest for murder.
be under arrest for      因为…而被逮捕
e.g. He was under arrest for murder.
Step 5 Homework
1. 我妈妈一直和我们的一个新邻居相处(处)得不好。
2. 一天,妈妈回到家,发现她昨天刚买的新项链不见了。
3. 我决定立刻报警。
4. 突然有人敲门,原来是我们的新邻居。
5. 他手里拿着项链,说昨天在门口发现的。
6. 妈妈很感激他,并愿意和他成为朋友。

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语九年级上Unit8 Task教学设计
文件大小: 51K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit8
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