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牛津译林版英语九年级上Unit7 Reading II教学设计
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牛津译林版英语九年级上Unit7 Reading II教学设计
Step1  Revision
1.       Ask some students to retell the biography with the help of the key words and pictures.
In 1929-born in Belgium
As a child-dream of becoming a successful ballet dancer
In 1951-meet Colette, play the lead role in Gigi
In 1953-play the lead role in Roman Holiday, win the Oscar for Best Actress
In 1989-make her final appearance in Always
In 1950s-begin to work for UNICEF, win many awards for…
In 1993-pass away peacefully
2. Try to design more questions and ask each other. Work in pairs!
T: It seems that you know a lot about Audrey Hepburn. But your friend doesn’t know her and she is asking you some questions about Hepburn. Work in pairs.
A: Why is Hepburn one of Hollywood’s all-time best?
B: …
A: When and where was she born?
B: …
( Try to design more questions. Come on!)
Step2  Languages focus
(Try to lead in words and phrases in many ways. By giving some vivid pictures and examples, the teacher aims to help the students know how to use these words and phrases correctly, which is the key part of the class.)
1. T: Is Audrey Hepburn a great actress?
S: Yes, she is one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses.
all-time  adj.  the best level there has ever been 
my all-time favourite dancer   an all-time favourite actor
2. T: Why did people feel very sad when she died?
  S: …
feel very sad about the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian
lose-lost-lost;   n. loss 损失、失去    词组: the loss of …
  Many wild animals are in danger because the loss of their living areas.
  The girl felt very sad about the loss of her bag because that was a birthday gift from her mum.
2.       T: Hepburn’s beauty and charm caught the writer’s attention.
  catch one’s attention= attract sb.
  His wonderful speech caught the president’s attention.
  Jay Chou’s musical talent caught people’s attention and he soon became popular among young people.
 4. T: What did Colette insist?
   S: She insisted that …
insist  vt. & vi.  be sure to say that something is true  坚持
insist (vi.)常与on搭配使用,  insist  + on sth. ( doing sth. )   
Why did she insist on the plan?
They insist on having a picnic next Sunday.
insist (vt.) 只能接从句作宾语   insist + that clause
  I insisted (坚持要求) that she (should) give us a speech.
  情境:Last Sunday, Mum and I went into a shop to buy a coat. We saw a blue coat and a pink one. We had different ideas.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语九年级上Unit7 Reading II教学设计
文件大小: 52K
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版本年级: 牛津9AUnit7
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