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26. The nice dress was bought by my uncle as a birthday p                .
27. I think my birthday is a s                 day for Mum and me.
28. There are so many books in the bookstore. I can't decide which one to c                .
29. The boy is shy. He is a                 of speaking English in front of his classmates.
30. Now parents are                  (花费) more and more money on their children's education.
31. I want to buy the car but it is very e                .
32. The students are supposed to w                 school clothes to school on weekdays.
33. The more we get together, the h                 we will be.
34. We often get information by reading newspapers, m                 and all kinds of books.
35. My friends usually s                 Happy Birthday at my birthday party.
36. He                 (总是) helps his sister with her English.
37. Millie's friends have many                 (礼物) for her.
38. I want to send her a                 (特殊的) present on her birthday.
39. What do you often do on                 (周末)?
40. The skirt is too                 (昂贵) in that shop. I have not enough money to buy it.
41. I think we should be allowed to                 (选择) our own clothes.
42. My mother often                 (锻炼) to keep healthy.
43. Don't be                 (害怕). It's just a toy gun.
44. --- Do you know David came first in the yesterday's English test?
--- It's not a                 (秘密). Everybody knows it.
45. There's going to be a football                 (比赛) next week.

资料名称: 2016外研版英语七年级上Module8单元练习试卷含答案
文件大小: 145K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 外研版七年级上Module8
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