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26. Linda is s                 Japanese in her room. We can't trouble(打搅) her.
27. C                 Mike at 8154179.
28. Mr. Green has a car, but he never d                 to work.
29. When you l                 the room, please turn off the light.
30. Amy often has lunch in a r                .
31. I'm very busy at the m                . Can we go there this afternoon?
32. I usually look at the s                 in the sky(天空) at night.
33. My home is next to school. So I w                 to school.
34. My good friend is w                 for me at the school gate.
35. We have a school t                 to the mountains(山区) next month.
36. Jenny is                 (享受) the picture now.
37. The                 (餐馆) is next to the river.
38. Wait here for a                 (片刻). I'll be back soon.
39. Don't be angry(生气的) with him. He is                 (仍然) a child.
40. Look! Henry is                 (驾驶) his new car along the street.
41. I shall go and see him                 (无论如何).
42. They want to go on a long                 (旅行) to the west of China.
43. The clothes are all on                 (出售).
44. They are                 (等) for the bus over there.
45. Don't forget to send me a                 (明信片) from Hong Kong.

资料名称: 2016外研版英语七年级上Module9单元练习试卷含答案
文件大小: 109K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 外研版七年级上Module9
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