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1.A.                    the man was badly ill,he still went to work.
2.My good friend is t    in music.
3.Please open the window to let some f      air in。
4.He is new here,n      of us know him well.
5.These hotels         (服务)well.
6.Maria won a prize in an English        (竞赛).
7.This boy is old enough to look after           (自己).
8.This plan was agreat         (成功).
9.My grandmother        (feed)the hens before she left home.
10.It is necessary for us        (exercise)every day.
11.At school,Tony never        (play)sports.
12.She plans        (go)to Beijing with her parents next week.
13.The guests play a role in        (decide)the winner.
14.Time is money.Our teachers tell us        (not waste)time.
15.Please be quiet,the baby        (sleep).
六、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。  (本题共5分,每题l分,计5分)
I                  I was a bird when I tried paraglidin9.
The           you do for others,the           you will feel.
I always get                   than he does.
That’s                   you to decide.
When he was a child,he          always          to try his best to study.

资料名称: 微山县2016-2017学年八年级上期中考试英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 13432K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标八年级上半期试题
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