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1. Who lives the c____________ to the school, Jim, Tom, or Bob?
2.  I am sorry to say that a terrible accident h________ to Jack last night, so he can’t come today.
3.  I can’t d______________ which pair of shoes to buy. Then both look good on me.
4. I go to the movies maybe t__________ a month with my friends.
5. The more carefully you work, the f_____________ mistakes you will make.
6.  Jessica enjoys u______________ money to buy the skirt, so she has to choose a cheaper one.
7.  She doesn’t have e____________ money to buy the skirt, so she has to choose a cheaper one.
8.  The s_____________ “West or east, home is best” is in the minds of Chinese people.
9.   China’s Got Show is very interesting, and it’s one of my son’s favorite TV p________.
10.   The students are having a d__________ about TV shows. Most of them like game shows best. Keys: closest, happened, decided, twice, fewer, using, enough, saying, programs, discussion

资料名称: 杭州市XX中学2015-2016学年八年级上期中英语试题含答案
文件大小: 181K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上半期试题
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