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A) 根据句意及汉语写单词
81. Parents should set a good  ­___________(榜样,例子) to their children.
82. Maybe Hilary Clinton will be the next _____________(总统,国家主席) of the USA.
83. Of the three boys Jack scored the ______________ (少) points.
84. ________(令人难过的是), farmers cut down trees and forests.
85. Our English teacher often tells us that a good __________(开始)is half done.
86. My sister is one of the best __________ (swim) in our school swimming team.
87. Yesterday her brother had his _________(twenty) birthday at home.
88. It is _________(possible) to sleep with all that noise.
89.You’d better __________(not eat) too many hamburgers. It’s bad for your health.
90. What’s the ________ (mean) of DIY, do you know?
91. Don’t tell others, boys. It’s a secret between us. You must keep it to_________(you).
92. He feels even ___________(ill), so we must send him to hospital now.
93. The doctor advised my father ___________ (not smoke) any more.
94. Are they _________(plan) for the coming May Day holiday?
95. When the bell rang, students couldn’t wait__________(go) outside the classroom.

资料名称: 江苏省黄海2016-2017年度八年级上英语期中试卷含答案
文件大小: 363K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津8A半期试题
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