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1. M: I like vegetables very much. I have them every day.
W: Sure, Eating enough vegetables is good for our health. I like eating vegetables, too.
2. M: Hello! Haven’t seen you for a long time.
W: Yes. I’ve been to New York, a beautiful city in America.
3. M: What a day! It’s raining again.
W: Yes. We often have too much rain at this time of year.
4. W: How much do I have to pay for the house every month? 350 yuan a month?
M: No, 450 yuan.
5. M: What can I do for you, madam?
W: Please show me the book over there. Is that a book about computer?
W: Hi, Frank! Over here! Don’t you remember me?
M: Oh, wow, you are Cindy, aren’t you?
W That’s right.
M: But you used to have straight hair, didn’t you?
W: Yes, I did. Wait a minute! Did you use to play soccer?
M: Yes, not now I play ping-pong instead.
W: People sure change!
M: Hi, Amy, has the new science museum been opened to the public?
W: Yes. It was opened last Friday
M: Great! Shall we go to visit it this afternoon?
W: Sorry, but I have already visited it with my parents. It’s really wonderful.
M: Is there anything interesting?
W: Of course. We watched a 4D movie, Golden Monkey.
M: That’s amazing! Anything else?
W: Yes. There are two robots. They can have conversations with people.
M: Really? Did you have a try?
W: No. There are too many people waiting.
M: What a pity!

资料名称: 宁波地区2017届九年级上期中考试英语试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 8064K
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版本年级: 新目标九年级上半期试题
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