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1. M: Is Kate an outgoing girl?  
W: Yes, she is. But she is less outgoing than Cindy..
2. M: What do you think of sports shows, Sally?
W: I don’t mind them. I love watching talent shows. They’re relaxing.
3. M: Did you have a good summer vacation?
W: Yes, it was wonderful. The mountain Tai was really beautiful and I climbed to the top.
4. M: Do you have the same interest as your sister?
W: No. She likes drawing but I like reading.
5. M: Lily, the talk show is three times a week. I think it’s boring.
W: Err…, I’m different from you. I think it’s interesting.
M: Does Susan expect to go to America’s Got Talent?
W: Of course. That is her dream
M: Well, what special talent does she have?
W: She can blow out 20 candles at a time.
M: Oh, that’s really special.
M: Mike, what do you usually do to keep healthy?
W: First, I have a good eating habit. I eat fruit and vegetables every day. And I hardly ever eat hamburgers.
M: Second, the good ways to keep healthy is doing exercise.
W: How often do you exercise?
M: Every day.
W: What sport do you often do?
M: I play basketball.

资料名称: 绍兴市XX初中2016-2017年八年级上期中英语试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 1887K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标八年级上半期试题
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