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译林牛津初中英语9A Unit7单元测试卷含答案
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译林牛津初中英语9A Unit7单元测试卷含答案
五、词汇( 10题,每题1分,满分10分)
A) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。
1.His _______(die) was a great loss to the whole world.
2.Many film stars had been ______(sing) before they entered the film industry.
3.Although she is not a beauty, many people find her ________ (attract).
4.Audrey Hepburn’s great ________ (achieve) is to be a humanitarian.
5.Keep ________ ( silence ). It’s time for class..
B) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。
1、They shook hands with each other ________ (紧密地).
2、 Please knock at the door before ___________(进入) the room..
3.、 Zhai Zhigang is now _____________(众所周知) all over the world.
4、After a _________(习惯)is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to shake off.
5、.Audrey Hepburn’s successful career ___________ (持续)for about forty years.
1、______ Millie ______ (finish) her homework when Simon phoned her?
2、We ____________ ( learn ) 2000 English words since we came to this school.
3、The doctor did all they could ______ ( save) the dying man.  .
4、The teacher asked if you _________________ ( be ) to the Great Wall?
5Hua Luogen ____________ ( honour ) with a number of awards because of his efforts in Maths.
He ________________________ his hometown.
2、. Sandy不仅歌唱得好,舞也跳得很美。
Sandy ______________ well ________________
Hepburn  ______________________ in the film always.
He _______________________.
We  ___________________________

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版本年级: 牛津9AUnit7
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