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牛津译林版英语9A Unit7 Films单元测试卷含答案
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牛津译林版英语9A Unit7 Films单元测试卷含答案
    1. Tom had taught here for about 5 years before_________ (进入)the company.
    2. They searched _________ (遍及)the town for the lost child.
    3. This problem is far _________ (超过)my ability.
    4. They arrived out of _________ (呼吸)because they had gone to the wrong theatre.
    5. Gong Li is one of the _________ (众所周知)film stars.
    6. The plane took off _________ (不久)after noon.
    7. She’ll put her _________ (努力)into learning English.
    8. Our English teacher _________ (献身)himself to teaching career.
    9. Sometimes action films have a bad _________ (影响)on children.
    10. You-d better buy some_________ (爆米花)or soft drinks before the show begins.
    1. We have fewer and fewer wild animals because of the ______ (lose) of their living areas.
    2. It'll make students experience a feeling of success and _________ (achieve).
    3. How I wish that all the people in the world could live ________ (peace) together forever!
    4. Hepburn made her final _________ (appear) in films in 1989.
    5. He wants to know if the film called The Story of Qiuju has a good _________ (end).
    6. She looked even _________ (angry) when she saw him.
    7. The film Love Ship isn’t _________ (suit) for children.
    8. His action attracted the famous__________ (France) writer’s attention.
    9. At the meeting, she kept _________ (silence). He didn’t say anything.
    10. Zhou Xun is one of the most excellent _________ (act) in China.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语9A Unit7 Films单元测试卷含答案
文件大小: 73K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit7
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