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1. Mr wang is one of the most important _______ (lead) in our school .
2. Do you know that the rose is the _______ (nation) flower of england ?
3.  I would like to hear you _______ (think)  on this matter .
4.  I thin k teaching children in this way _______ (simply)  means making them stressed
5.  He had many great _______ (achieve ) but his proudest moment came in 1986
6. She and her elder sister died of _______ (ill) in 1945, before the war ended.
7. It seems that the problem was dealt with _______ (succeed)
8.  The book _______ by hanhan will come our soon .(write)
9. She _______ to answer that question five minutes ago . (refuse)
10. The women seems to be in her _______, but she is over 45 indeed .(thirty)
11. I heard something _______ when i walked past a path , so i felt frightened .(usual)
1. Messi _______ a winning goal in the second half of the match (得分)
2. There is a rule _______  taking pets into the museum (与。。。。相反)
3. In the diary , we can write down our _______ , feeling , hopes  and so on (想法 )
4. I don’t think i have the _______ to tell him the bad news (勇气)
5. We all think he is worth _______ (敬佩) , we should learn from him.
6. When he was at junior , he broke the v of the 100-metre dash (记录)
7. To our _______ , the young man managed to complete the hard work (惊讶)
8. He has had his novel _______ (翻译) into many languages.
9. Now more and more _______ (大学) students can make money to support their daily life .
10. Have you heard that some _______ (德国人) will visit our school next week ?
11. My father was _______ (被迫) to leave his factory because it closed down.
12. They need to do a survey for further _______ (研究)
13. The dairy of a young girls has become a symbol the victory of the human _______ (精神)

资料名称: 2016-2017学年镇江市九年级上Unit4单元测试含答案
文件大小: 28K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit4
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