2017人教版英语第二轮中考题型全接触课件+练习5:句子运用 (2份) (一)句子翻译 A(2016,恩施) 1.暑假期间我父母将带我去参观恩施高中。 My parents will take me to Enshi High School during the summer holidays. 2.因为水严重受到污染,所以池塘里的鱼死光了。 The fish in the pond have died out because the water was polluted seriously. 3.多亏中国的好政策,那个贫困家庭过上了幸福的生活。 Thanks to the good policy in China,the poor family has lived a happy life. 4.他看上去与我想象的不一样。 He looked different from what I’d expected. 5.在餐馆里拿食物的时候不要拿超过你需要的量。 Don’t take more food beyond you need in the restaurant.