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51. When the writer and her children went to the grocery store, they saw a little girl was asking_____.
A. her mother for a nice toy             
B. her mother for a box of Smarties
C. where she could find a box of Smarties  
D. her mother if she could had enough money
52. From the passage we know Smarties are ________.
A. a beautiful doll                      
B. an interesting story book
C. a kind of candy                      
D. some leaves of a nice tree
53. The writer was ______ to see her son buy a pack of Smarties for the little girl.
A. sad         B. excited          C. angry                D. proud
54. What can we learn from the story above?
A. Every kid should have a pack of Smarties.  
B. Everyone should have a good mother.
C. Everyone should do nice things for others.  
D. Every mother should often teach her children.

资料名称: 北京市海淀区2017届九年级上期中复习(6)B篇练习10篇
文件大小: 287K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级上期中复习
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 北京市海淀区2017届九年级上期中复习(4)单选练习10套 16-12-08

 北京市海淀区2017届九年级上期中复习(5)完型练习10篇 16-12-08

 北京市海淀区2017届九年级上期中复习(7)C篇练习10篇 16-12-08

 北京市海淀区2017届九年级上期中复习(10)阅读与表达10篇 16-12-08

 九年级英语期中复习课件(Units1-5书面表达) 13-11-01

 人教版九年级英语期中复习导学案(2课时) 13-02-27


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