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2016年秋季外研版八年级英语上册Module8 Accidents同步练习含答案
16. They are going to a                 on TV next month.
17. The ice is too thin for you to skate on it. You'd better not take the r                .
18. Boys and girls, please pay a                 to your handwriting. Write clearly and correctly.
19. Don't t                 your books everywhere. You should put them away.
20. Mice usually h                 in the holes in the day.
21. I had a p                 in my head last night, but now I feel better.
22. I'm g                 to hear that you passed the test.
23. Look! The lovely monkey is c                 up the tree.
24. Is the life better or w                 than it was 50 years ago?
25. An old woman is standing at the street c                .
26. Sandy had no difficulty                 (爬) up the Great Wall last Sunday.
27. My pet cat                 (躲藏) himself under the bed, so I failed to find him.
28. Did he                 (出现) at the meeting yesterday?
29.                 (丢) litter is bad behavior in every country.
30. The old man looked a bit                 (苍白) than usual after the operation.
31. I'm                 (高兴的) to pass the English exam.
32. My brother is interested in                 (医学).
33. She gets tons of                 (关注) everywhere she goes.
34. Jim sits in the                 (角) of the classroom, on the right side.
35. Take this medicine, or you'll feel even                 (更糟).

资料名称: 2016年秋季外研版八年级英语上册Module8同步练习含答案
文件大小: 104K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 外研版八年级上Module8
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