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上传者:Ella刘宝琴[原创]   加入日期:16-12-09

48.As students we shouldn’t care too much about________(分数).All we need is to do our best.
49._________(糖果)are bad for our teeth if we eat them before going to bed.
50.The cakes________(品尝)nice.Would you like to have some?
51.Millie goes to the supermarket once a week to buy her favourite___________(零食).
52.Amy thinks hamburgers are not healthy,so she__________(很少)eats them.
53.The boy was very hungry,so he ate two________(盘子)of chicken.
54.一What will you do this weekend?   一We_________(计划)to go shopping and watch a film.
55. He always goes to sleep without _________(wash) his feet.
56. Eating an apple for breakfast can make everyone keep ________(健康).
57. How many __________ (mango) are there in the bag?
58. Good __________ (lucky) with your English study.
59. Jack ___________(锻炼)in the park every morning to keep fit. .
60. My father enjoys ____________(lie) on the couch reading newspapers.
61. Sweet snacks have too much sugar, but they give me a lot of ___________ (能量).
62. Thanks for _________ (buy) me so many presents.

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版本年级: 牛津7AUnit6
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 泽林牛津版七年级上Unit6单元测试卷含答案 17-12-09

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