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词汇运用  用所给词的适当形式填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
1.The baby panda ______________ about 100 grams at birth but it was very healthy. (weigh)
2.When autumn comes, farmers are busy ______________ crops.(harvest)
3.Don’t keep me ______________ so long because I am very busy these days . (wait)
4.All of us should do something ______________ the lovely giant pandas. (protect)
5.I heard your daughter ______________ in the next room at ten last night.(sing)
6.The ______________ names are all on the paper. (tour)
7.Bees and ______________ play among flowers(butterfly)
8.Many wild animals’ ______________ areas are becoming farmlands. (live)
9.Soon the ______________ season will begin.(snow)
10.Do wolves spend a lot of time ______________ for food every day?( look )
11.The zookeeper told us ______________  any noise in the zoo. (not make)
12.The little panda had to look after ____________ when her mother had another baby. (her)
13.Could you please______________ wild animals.(not eat)
14.The horse is standing with its eyes ______________.(close)
15.They count the birds in Zhalong ______________ a year.(one)

资料名称: 泰兴市XX中学2016年八年级上第三次月考英语试题有答案
文件大小: 273K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8A月考试卷
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