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上传者:   加入日期:16-12-11

五、词汇检测 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
58. My sixth sense often   ▲   (证明) to be right.
59. They are wondering to   ▲   (谁) to turn for help.
60. We use x as the   ▲   (符号) for something unknown.
61. My mother has   ▲   (从事) the fashion design since graduation. 
62. He told his own story without   ▲   (提及) his poor childhood.
63. His suggestion is very valuable, so it’s well   ▲   (值得) taking.
64. At the meeting, the G20   ▲   (领袖) were expected to solve some problems. 
65. — She   ▲   spoke a word the whole morning. What’s the matter?
— She failed the exam and was in a bad mood.
66. — Haven’t you realized your mistake?
— Yes, I want to say nothing   ▲   sorry.
67. — Our government said no to Korean’s idea about wars.
— We all love   ▲   and hate wars.

资料名称: 苏州市高新区2017届九年级上期中质量英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 4828K
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版本年级: 牛津9A半期试题
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