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2016年秋季冀教版九年级英语上册Unit10 Get Ready for the Future同步练习含答案
41. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are w                .
42. I was a p                 school student when I was seven years old.
43. I have no money, because I lost my w                .
44. --- Hello, everyone! Bill gets the first prize.
--- C                .
45. There is a bird on the t                 of the tree.
46. The                 (老板) of the company didn't have any evidence to                 (证明) he was at the scene of the crime.
47. You should give him a hand. This was the most difficult                 (阶段) of his life.
48. The poor boy who couldn't go to school got help from a man of great                 (财富).
49. He closed his                 (笔记本) and stood up.
50. He is                 (复习) for the English exam.
51. 与睡眠好的人相比,睡眠不好的人要花更长的时间才能入睡。
Poor sleepers take longer to                                   than good sleepers.
52. 我们可以在湖上划船。
We can                                                    on the lake.
53. 至于看电视, 只有少数同学每天都看。
                                  watching TV, only a few students watch it every day.
54. 几个月过去了,但他仍没有回来。
Several months                                  , but he didn't come back yet.
55. Our food supply won't                                   (坚持) for more than a few days.
56. The box                 (it) is very heavy.
57. US First lady Michelle Obama gave a                 (speak) at Peking University and met with Chinese and US students in March.
58. Time is very                 (value). We can't waste it.
59. He was so tired that he fell                 (sleep) at his desk.
60. Restaurant                 (own) have to know how to cook delicious food.

资料名称: 2016年秋季冀教版九年级英语上册Unit10同步练习含答案
文件大小: 72K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 冀教版九年级上Unit10
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