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2016-2017镇江市润州区牛津译林9A Unit7试题含答案
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2016-2017江苏省镇江市润州区牛津译林9A Unit7试题含答案
1、 you can’t imagine what difficulty i had _________ on my own opinion(坚持)。
2、 The twins look nearly the same . So they’re often _________ for each other .
3、 _________ in JC stunt team are well paid for their work but they lead dangerous lives (特技演员)
4、  It is hard to go _________ (超越) ourselves , so we must learn from others’ successful experience .
5、 Our conclusions are _________ on facts (base)
6、 I was at a _________ when i first entered the classroom with these students (lose)
7、 Women are more concerned than men about their personal _________ (appear)
8、 One of the _________ (演员) in white dresses is Daniel’s mother
9、 What bad weather ! I am afraid the outdoor activity will have to be _________(取消)。
10、 The _________ (最终) decision will be made by the headmaster .
11、 Tom prefers _________ (west) to romantic films because they tells the life of cowboys
12、 His dream is _________  (enter) a famous university in America.

资料名称: 2016-2017镇江市润州区牛津译林9A Unit7试题含答案
文件大小: 17K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit7
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