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牛津译林版九年级上 期末复习练习含答案(单项选择和词汇)
1. To our surprise, our Chinese teacher    (出现)on TV yesterday.
2. People think that more and more    (亚洲人)are eating fast food and getting fat fast.
3. Tommy, look at your bedroom,it's so     (不整洁的).Please put away all the things on the floor.
4.    (假定)you have a million pounds, how will you spend it?
5. - What's your advice about the flight?  -I suggested    (着陆)on the flat place over there.
6. Lily and her sister look so similar that she is often    ({吴认为)for her sister.
7.The audience can enjoy young     (导演)films from different countries during this week's film festival.
8. - Is everyone here today, Tom?  - No, Mr. Wu, Kate caught a cold yesterday, so she is   
9. -I heard Jack was punished by our school. Is that true? -Yes, it's true. He did something    our school rules.

资料名称: 牛津译林版九年级上期末复习练习含答案(单项选择和词汇)
文件大小: 43K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 牛津9A期末复习
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 2016—2017学年九年级上英语期末测试卷(一)含听力mp3 18-01-10

 牛津译林版九年级上Unit1期末复习课件ppt 18-01-09


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