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七、词汇运用  (15分)
1. I’m ________________(感兴趣) in playing basketball, so I play basketball every day.
2. 一I want to buy a pair of shoes.
一What’s your_______________ (尺码)?  
3. It is important to have a ______________(健康) lifestyle.It’s good for our health.  
4. There are two ______________(千)books in their school library.   
5. There is a big box on the ground, but it’s not heavy because there is nothing __________ (在里面).
B. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,每空不限一词。(10分)
6. ---What is your brother doing now?                             
---He _____________(listen) to music on the radio.
7. Eating too much sugar is bad for our              (tooth).     
8. I enjoy ____________ (lie) on the ground on hot days.     
9. My mother doesn’t know which sweater                 (buy).   
10. We spend a day                 _ (celebrate) Mid-Autumn Festival this year.  
11. The building has twenty floors and I live on the ____________( twelve) floor.   
12. I often go swimming with my father               (one) a week.    
13.June 1st is Children’s Day. September 10th is _____________(teacher) Day.
14. My brother often ______________ (fly) kites with his friends on Saturdays.    
15. She loves music. It makes her_____________ (feel) happy. 

资料名称: 无锡市XX学校2015-2016年度七年级英语上期末试卷有答案
文件大小: 873K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7A期末试题
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