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牛津深圳版七年级下英语Unit8 From hobby to career教案
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牛津深圳版七年级下英语Unit8 From hobby to career教案
课题: Unit8.From hobby to career  (阅读课)
课时: 第  1  课时,共  4 课时
1. Students can get the main idea of the reading passage.
2. Students can read the text frequently.
3. Students can talk something about the hobby and career.
教学重点: The main idea of the reading passage.
教学难点: Retell the text in their own words.
教学准备: PPT, Blackboard
Step 1: Lead in .
Self-introduction about your hobby.
1.Show PPT for them to talk about their hobbies.
a)What is your hobby ?
b)What kind of hobby can become a future career?
2.Talk about hobbies like this :
My hobby is …When I was young, I like/don’t like …Later, I… every day.
3.Learn some new words
Step2 Presentation
1.Practice some new words to finish C1and C2.
2.Check the answers.
Step 3 Reading comprehension.
Before reading
1.Invite them to skim and scan the text.
2.Answer these two questions:
1 .What is Patrick Moore’s hobby?
2 .What is probably his job now?
3.Follow the skills of skimming and scanning ,finish the exercises on P104.
While reading
1.Play the tape for the students to finish a passage. When I was ___, It last ___years.
2.Listen to the tape without looking at the text and complete the passage.
3. Read the passage Never give up and finish the given exercises on P114.
4. Expressions.   Collecting
Invite them to show the expressions they collected last period in groups: let’s check which group can give the most ones .
post reading
1.Read the text carefully and discuss the Chinese with each other to get the main idea of the text. Then work together to finish the exercises on P107.
2.Check the answers with the given keys.
3.Self-study on the learning sheet for 8’. Then discuss in groups to check the answers. Then report the learning result to the teacher in groups.

资料名称: 牛津深圳版七年级下英语Unit8 From hobby to career教案
文件大小: 51K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津深圳版七年级下Unit8
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