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牛津深圳版八年级下英语Unit1 Helping those in need教案
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牛津深圳版八年级下英语Unit1 Helping those in need教案
课题: Unit 1 --- Helping those in need
课时: 第  1  课时,共  4 课时
1) To teach students main contents of reading
2) To introduce some voluntary work
3) To train students’ reading skill---skinning and scanning
4) To make students be aware of helping those in need
教学重点: Know the structure and contents of the main article
教学难点: Train students’ guessing skill of the new words according to the whole article
教学准备: PPT, Blackboard
I. Pre-reading Presentation
Teacher: Could you give me a hand?
Students: Here you are.
Teacher: Oh no. I don’t want your hand, I only need your help.
 Tell students “give sb a hand” means help sb.
2. Discuss in groups, the teacher checks the answers.
1)Have you ever helped others before?
2)Why do (not) you want to help others  ?
3)How do you feel if you give others’ a hand?
3. Learning important words and phrases.(学习重点单词及短语)Answer the Qs in A&B
1. raise  v.筹募   raise money意为“募集钱款”。
The students are raising money for the people who lost homes in the earthquake.
v.增加;提高    How can we raise English levels in a short time? 
(1)使上升:We can see soldiers raise the national flag on Tian'anmen Square.
(2)提及;提起:The book raises many questions for readers to think about.
(3)抚养;养育;培养:Father raised the family.
(4)饲养;喂养:I want to raise a dog as my pet.
2  Helping those in need帮助那些有困难的人
 in need意为“有困难的”,常位于名词后作后置定语。如:
 A friend in need is a friend indeed.(谚语)患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友。
我们用in need of表示“需要……”。如:The building is in need of repair.
3.Read three students' reports on their voluntary work.
 voluntary work意为“义务性工作”。如:
  In her spare time she does voluntary work.她在业余时间做义工。
 voluntary为形容词,意为“志愿的”。名词形式为volunteer,意为 “志愿者”。
4. Ask students to finish the exercise of vocabulary according to the title and the sub-heading
II. While-reading Procedure
1.Read the article and correct the notes , finish D1 on P5 Finish the exercises C2&D
2. second- reading: answer questions
3. Language points:
1)offer sth    提出某事     I offered a good plan for our holiday.
Offer to do sth (主动)提出做某事
Offer sb sth =offer sth to sb (主动)给某人提供某物
2)suffer  v.(因疾病等)受苦;受折磨
She suffered greatly as a child. 她童年深受苦难。
suffer from意为“因……受苦;受折磨”。如:
Many teenagers are suffering from the computer games.
3)express  v.表达;表露He expressed to us his ideas about the new teacher.他向我们表达了他对新老师的看法。

资料名称: 牛津深圳版八年级下英语Unit1 Helping those in need教案
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版本年级: 牛津深圳版八年级下Unit1
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