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人教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit2  help to clean up the city parks单元同步练习及答案(含单元核心词汇汇总)
1. I get such a feeling of _______(满意)when I get to the top of Mount Tai.
2. We're going to _______(募集)some money for the blind boy.
3. We're making up some _______(标志)to put up on the wall.
4. We _______(志愿)to clean the rooms for the old men.
5. Now many old people feel _______(孤独的)because they live by themselves.
6. The man can always _______(想出)a good excuse for his mistakes.
7. Our classroom is too dirty. It should be _______(打扫干净).
8. There _______(曾经)be a big tree here.
9. Please help me _______(分发)the math papers.
10. The boy is very sad. Let's _______(使他高兴起来).
11. -My bike is broken.     -Don’t worry. I can _________(修理)the bike.
12. The boy can’t see anything. He is _________ (瞎的).
13. We can't _________(想象)what the life will be like in 100 years.
14. We must meet many _________(困难)in our life.
15. I have a new pet dog because of your _________(善良).

资料名称: 人教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit2单元同步练习及答案
文件大小: 27K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit2
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