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66. She gets to the hotel at _____ nine o’clock.
67. My father often takes a 15-minute walk ___________ this river after dinner.
68. I’ll ________ you a visit next month.
69. Please open your book and ______ to Page Five.
70. I _____________ much time reading in the library. 
71. The __________ (警察) are looking for the man.
72. The bus stop is not far away from the _______ (医院).
73. There are two middle schools in this small ________ (镇).
74. It’s hard for her to _____________ (爬) the tree.
75. Hebei is in the _________ (北方) of China.

资料名称: 广西平南县2016-2017学年七年级下英语Unit8测试题含答案
文件大小: 90K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标七年级下Unit8
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