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1.be free/ are you free           有空
2.an album                    一本相册
3.play with a yo-yo             玩溜溜球
4.an idea/ a good idea            一个主意/一个好主意
5just a minute                  梢等片刻
6How much do they cost?/ how much are they?/ What’s the price of them? 它们多少钱?
7quite expensive                相当贵
8There is a discount on last year’s cards       去年的卡片在打折
9 Your hat matches your coat very well.  你的帽子很配你的外套。
10 the shoes fit me well.                 这双鞋子很合我的脚。
11 I don’t have enough money to buy her a CD.我没足够的钱给她买张CD
12Something important/ something to eat    一些重要的事/ 一些吃的
13The price of the clips is high. They cost much. They are expensive. 这些夹子很贵。
14Wait for sb./sth. 等待某人/某物       Wait for me 等我
15an electrical shop                    一个家电商场
16invite them to my party/ invite them to come to my party  邀请他们来我的晚会

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语七年级下Unit5词组归纳
文件大小: 34K
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版本年级: 牛津7BUnit5
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 牛津7B Unit5 Reading课件(共31张ppt) 18-05-06

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 牛津译林版七年级下Unit5 Reading课件(共35张ppt) 18-04-12

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 七年级下Unit5 Amazing things Revision课件(共19张PPT) 17-07-09

 牛津译林版英语七年级下Unit5 Task课件(共21张PPT) 17-05-27

 牛津译林版七年级下Unit5 task课件(共23张PPT) 17-05-27


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