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四、词汇运用 (15分)
1. --- How far is it from your new flat to our school?  -- About three __________(英里).
2. There is much milk in the _________(冰箱). You can drink some if you like.
3. My father knows a lot of ________________(国家) in the world.
4. Daniel isn’t in. Can I take a ________________(音信)for him, please ?
5..Do not worry. We have many good _____________(工程师) to help you.
6. September is the       (nine)month of the year
7. Look, there are many children        (fly) kites over there.
8. The _________ ( wait ) in KFC are very friendly .
9. Some children        (have) an English evening party next Wednesday.
10.Mr Wang asks us  ________________ (not play)on the busy street.
11. If it _________( rain ) tomorrow, we won’t have the football match.   
12. Those volunteers are looking forward to __________(raise) cows on a farm.
13. Jim, never _________(miss) the shows at the Palace Museum.
14. Look! There are some key rings on the ground. Maybe they are those _______(postman).
15. My parents went back on the 17th of June, but three days later, they left for Beijing on the ___(twenty) of June.

资料名称: 溧水县群力2016-2017年度七年级下英语期中复习训练含答案
文件大小: 74K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7B期中复习
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