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Dear children,
      How time flies! As your teacher, I'd like to talk about 'behaving like a grown-up' with you before you leave school.
      During our lives, we need the strength of other people to achieve our goals.    1   of us can make it on our own.
      In an   2   world, we would all have thoughtful, helpful people to guide us in life. Imagine having a   3   who is devoted to keeping you healthy.
Or imagine having a boss who wants you to enjoy your job and make progress in your    4  . But many of us have difficulty dealing with (打交道)
grown-ups who seem   5  in their changeable moods. If we have immature(不成熟的) adults    6   trustworthy adults around us, we will certainly get into real trouble.
     What's more, if we are always   7   that we're right all the time, while others are wrong, then we are like those immature adults.
Our own personalities could be the   8   .

资料名称: 苏州市2017年中考英语复习《完形填空》专题训练含答案
文件大小: 390K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 苏州市中考
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