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1. She likes __________. She wants to be a__________ (sing)
2. Jenny usually _________ her kids interesting stories and she is good at_________ stories. (tell)
3. Please come to__________ (student) Sports Center after school. We need you__________ (help)  
with English-speaking Children.
4. Ma Yun thinks _____ are important and they can ______ students more than knowledge. (teach)
5. Li Yundi is a famous__________ (music) and he is a great__________. (piano)
6. Please brush your ______________ (tooth) after _________________ (get) dressed.
7. The dishes taste ______________ (well). I eat them up ______________ (quick).
8. Their ___________ (life) are very healthy, and they don’t have any ___________ (healthy) habits.
9. I don’t have time _____________ (take) a walk because I am busy ___________ (work) every day.
10. She likes _________every morning, so he is so healthy. And she also likes to do more math _________ to get better grades. (exercise)

资料名称: 四川省成都市2019届初一下英语半期复习试卷(一)含答案
文件大小: 1297K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标七年级下期中复习
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