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牛津译林版英语八年级下Unit6 Grammar练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:17-05-21

牛津译林版英语八年级下Unit6 Grammar练习含答案
(    ) 1. It's very nice_______ you to give me such a chance.
    A. to     B. for      C. of       D. at
(    ) 2. It's necessary_______ us to keep the classroom_______ every day.
    A. for; cleans      B. of; clean         C. for; clean       D. of; cleaning
(    ) 3. It is_______ of the people to_______ money to the poor people.
    A. important; donating        B. generous; raising
    C. meaningful; raise            D. helpful; donate
(    ) 4. It is wrong_______ us_______ look down upon(看不起) the disabled people.
    A. of; to             B. for; for          C. to; to             D. of; for

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版本年级: 牛津8BUnit6
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 牛津8B Unit6 Task课件(共25张ppt) 18-03-21

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 译林版八年级下Unit6 Welcome to the unit课件(共30张PPT) 17-05-27

 牛津8B Unit6 reading1课件(共24张PPT) 17-05-27

 牛津8B Unit6 task课件(共18张PPT) 17-05-27

 牛津8B Unit6 Reading2课件(共17张ppt) 17-05-16

 牛津译林版八年级下Unit6 Study skills课件(共21张PPT) 17-05-16

 牛津译林版八年级下Unit6 Sunshine for all课件(30张PPT) 17-05-16

 八年级下Unit6 Welcome to the unit课件(共13张PPT) 17-05-16

 牛津译林版英语8B Unit6 Task课件(共24张PPT) 17-05-16


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