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六. 单词填空,每空一词:12’
1. Please tell him the ________ (惊人的) news. I don’t think he will believe it.
2. This panda was very small and weighed 100 grams at ________ (出生).
3. There is ________ (少数的) money in my pocket. I don’t know how to go home.
4. ________ (事实上) speak louder than words.
5. He was sick and his parents took him to hospital three days ________ (后来).
6. Jane was so ________ (无力) that she couldn’t walk any further.
7. What an ________ (usual) woman the lady is! She almost has all kinds of skills.
8. He turned off all the lights before he ________ (leave) the classroom.
9. My sister looked at ________ (she) in the mirror and smiled.
10. You will find this young man ________(interest) if you work with him.
11. The ________ (strange) saw you come into the factory. Can you find them?
12. He did his homework as ________ (care) as his classmates. His teacher was very sad.

资料名称: 常州市新北区2016-2017学年七年级下第五单元测试卷含答案
文件大小: 36K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 牛津7BUnit6
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