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七、词汇运用  (15分)
A.根据句意及汉语提示写出单词  (每空限一词)(5分)
1. You should knock at the door before you ________________(进入) the room.    
2. During the _______________(二十)century, mobile phones become popular all over the world.
3.As _______________ (通常), Andy goes swimming in the afternoon with his good friend David.
4.He _________________ (想知道) how to cook when he saw his father cook nice food.
5. My father is an office worker in a big company. He is____________ (超过)forty years old now.
6. Yesterday he saw me and ________________(nod) to me in front of the library.  
7. It’s time for class. Please stop __________________. (talk)      
8. The girl found                     (she) alone in the classroom.    
9. What will you do if the door is                 _(lock)?  
10. I decide                    ( climb) up the hill with my classmates this we ekend.
11.Why __________________(not open) the window? It’s very hot inside.  
12.Five days ______________ (late), he came to my home again and took away that computer.
13.That’s too _________________(noise) outside. I can’t get to sleep. Please close the windows. 
14.My little sister made the same mistakes(错误) again because she was too ___________(care).
15. Lily is very happy to see her mother and runs _______________ (quick) to her.  

资料名称: 顾庄学区三校2016-2017学年七年级下期末英语试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 8452K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津7B期末试题
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