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上传者:   加入日期:17-09-17

1. Read these __________ (指示) carefully before you use it.
2. He told me to get some __________(剪刀).
3. My watch is broken and I can __________(修补) it by myself.
4. I know____________(确切地) how she felt.
5. Her room is ____________ (使充满) with flowers.
6.There was t________ snow last week and many trees died.
7.When will you a_________the meeting?  Next Monday afternoon.
8.I don’t know the word. So I can’t __________(拼) it.
B. 用所给词的适当形式填空(6分)
1. It is _________(possible) for humans to live on Moon now. 
2. The little boy is crazy about __________ (play) computer games.
3. We must keep on ___________(work) hard in the coming new year.
4. Do you know how _________(look) after the dog well?
5. _________(mix) different fruit together can make the salad colorful.
6. He likes to play alone and is always ________(active) in taking part in activities.

资料名称: 如东县2016-2017年度八年级上英语第四单元测试卷有答案
文件大小: 74K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit4
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