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上传者:   加入日期:17-11-03

V. 词汇。(17分)
1. Linda's brother wears a suit on weekdays, but he d_________ casually on the weekend.
2. Hawaii is f_________ for the beautiful beaches. Many people come to Hawaii for vacation every year.
3. I'm so tired that I can _________(几乎不)stay awake.21
4. -When did you b_________ to study English?      -Seven years ago.
5. People who have something wrong with their teeth should see a d_________.
6. Doing morning exercises is a good way to keep h_________.2
7. My father doesn't m_________ sports shows, but I love them.
8. She was very ill, but _________(幸运地)she is now out of danger.
9. Thanks for i_________ me to your party.
10. The subway takes him forty m_________ to go to the bank.
1. A lot of _________ (visit) visited our school last year.
2. It takes me ten minutes _________ (get) to my home by bus.
3. The famous actor just finished _________ (make) his new movie.
4. Sorry, I took your MP5 by mistake. I'll be _________ (careful) next time.
5. -Who gets up _________ (early), your father or your mother?     -My mother.
6. There are more than two _________ (hundred) people working in the factory now.
7. -Where are you going for vacation?
-We are planning _________ (go) to Tibet next week.

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