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2017-2018学年 (新版)外研版七年级英语上期末检测试卷含答案
41.We usually have a birthday party to  celebrate our birthday. 
42.There are many interesting  places to visit in the city. 
43.Mum wants to get some new  furniture (家具) for our new house. 
44.I usually get many  presents from my friends on New Year’s Day. 
45.She can’t buy them because she has not got any  money (钱) with her. 
46.How many  children  (child)are there in your family? 
47.Coke is an  unhealthy  (healthy) drink. 
48.Thank you for  sending  (send)emails to me. 
49.My father often  searches  (search) for information on the Internet. 

资料名称: 2017-2018年(新版)外研版七年级英语上期末检测试卷含答案
文件大小: 131K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 外研版七年级上期末试卷
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