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81. The parents’ meeting will be ___________(取消) because of the bad traffic.
82. Please write a guide to an ______ (亚洲) country for the American exchange students.
83. ________ (财富) is important but not the most important in our lives.
84. The local clubs are making every ______________ (努力) to interest more young people.  
85. She came back and tried to start a ______ with the man. (对话).
86. You’d better keep patient and not give up ________ (easy).
87. Listen! The song the girl is singing ________________ (sound) beautiful.
88. After working hard for many years, Jim became the CEO of a company in his ___________(fifty).
89. Sun Li made her first______________(appear) in a film at a very early age.
90. The police wrote down the ______________(suspect) names on the paper

资料名称: 2017年秋盐城九年级上Units6-8单元月考试卷含听力mp3
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版本年级: 牛津9A月考试卷
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